Source code for graphtools.graphs

from __future__ import division
from builtins import super
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from scipy import sparse
import numbers
import warnings
import tasklogger

from . import matrix, utils
from .base import DataGraph, PyGSPGraph

_logger = tasklogger.get_tasklogger("graphtools")

[docs]class kNNGraph(DataGraph): """ K nearest neighbors graph Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples,n_features] accepted types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pandas.DataFrame`, `pandas.SparseDataFrame`. knn : `int`, optional (default: 5) Number of nearest neighbors (including self) to use to build the graph decay : `int` or `None`, optional (default: `None`) Rate of alpha decay to use. If `None`, alpha decay is not used. bandwidth : `float`, list-like,`callable`, or `None`, optional (default: `None`) Fixed bandwidth to use. If given, overrides `knn`. Can be a single bandwidth, or a list-like (shape=[n_samples]) of bandwidths for each sample bandwidth_scale : `float`, optional (default : 1.0) Rescaling factor for bandwidth. distance : `str`, optional (default: `'euclidean'`) Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used distance metric for building kNN graph. Custom distance functions of form `f(x, y) = d` are also accepted. TODO: actually sklearn.neighbors has even more choices thresh : `float`, optional (default: `1e-4`) Threshold above which to calculate alpha decay kernel. All affinities below `thresh` will be set to zero in order to save on time and memory constraints. Attributes ---------- knn_tree : `sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors` The fitted KNN tree. (cached) TODO: can we be more clever than sklearn when it comes to choosing between KD tree, ball tree and brute force? """ def __init__( self, data, knn=5, decay=None, knn_max=None, search_multiplier=6, bandwidth=None, bandwidth_scale=1.0, distance="euclidean", thresh=1e-4, n_pca=None, **kwargs ): if decay is not None: if thresh <= 0 and knn_max is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot instantiate a kNNGraph with `decay=None`, " "`thresh=0` and `knn_max=None`. Use a TraditionalGraph instead." ) elif thresh < np.finfo(float).eps: thresh = np.finfo(float).eps if callable(bandwidth): raise NotImplementedError( "Callable bandwidth is only supported by" " graphtools.graphs.TraditionalGraph." ) if knn is None and bandwidth is None: raise ValueError("Either `knn` or `bandwidth` must be provided.") elif knn is None and bandwidth is not None: # implementation requires a knn value knn = 5 if decay is None and bandwidth is not None: warnings.warn("`bandwidth` is not used when `decay=None`.", UserWarning) if knn > data.shape[0] - 2: warnings.warn( "Cannot set knn ({k}) to be greater than " "n_samples - 2 ({n}). Setting knn={n}".format( k=knn, n=data.shape[0] - 2 ) ) knn = data.shape[0] - 2 if knn_max is not None and knn_max < knn: warnings.warn( "Cannot set knn_max ({knn_max}) to be less than " "knn ({knn}). Setting knn_max={knn}".format(knn=knn, knn_max=knn_max) ) knn_max = knn if n_pca in [None, 0, False] and data.shape[1] > 500: warnings.warn( "Building a kNNGraph on data of shape {} is " "expensive. Consider setting n_pca.".format(data.shape), UserWarning, ) self.knn = knn self.knn_max = knn_max self.search_multiplier = search_multiplier self.decay = decay self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.bandwidth_scale = bandwidth_scale self.distance = distance self.thresh = thresh super().__init__(data, n_pca=n_pca, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get parameters from this object """ params = super().get_params() params.update( { "knn": self.knn, "decay": self.decay, "bandwidth": self.bandwidth, "bandwidth_scale": self.bandwidth_scale, "knn_max": self.knn_max, "distance": self.distance, "thresh": self.thresh, "n_jobs": self.n_jobs, "random_state": self.random_state, "verbose": self.verbose, } ) return params
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set parameters on this object Safe setter method - attributes should not be modified directly as some changes are not valid. Valid parameters: - n_jobs - random_state - verbose Invalid parameters: (these would require modifying the kernel matrix) - knn - knn_max - decay - bandwidth - bandwidth_scale - distance - thresh Parameters ---------- params : key-value pairs of parameter name and new values Returns ------- self """ if "knn" in params and params["knn"] != self.knn: raise ValueError("Cannot update knn. Please create a new graph") if "knn_max" in params and params["knn_max"] != self.knn: raise ValueError("Cannot update knn_max. Please create a new graph") if "decay" in params and params["decay"] != self.decay: raise ValueError("Cannot update decay. Please create a new graph") if "bandwidth" in params and params["bandwidth"] != self.bandwidth: raise ValueError("Cannot update bandwidth. Please create a new graph") if ( "bandwidth_scale" in params and params["bandwidth_scale"] != self.bandwidth_scale ): raise ValueError("Cannot update bandwidth_scale. Please create a new graph") if "distance" in params and params["distance"] != self.distance: raise ValueError("Cannot update distance. " "Please create a new graph") if "thresh" in params and params["thresh"] != self.thresh and self.decay != 0: raise ValueError("Cannot update thresh. Please create a new graph") if "n_jobs" in params: self.n_jobs = params["n_jobs"] if hasattr(self, "_knn_tree"): self.knn_tree.set_params(n_jobs=self.n_jobs) if "random_state" in params: self.random_state = params["random_state"] if "verbose" in params: self.verbose = params["verbose"] # update superclass parameters super().set_params(**params) return self
@property def knn_tree(self): """KNN tree object (cached) Builds or returns the fitted KNN tree. TODO: can we be more clever than sklearn when it comes to choosing between KD tree, ball tree and brute force? Returns ------- knn_tree : `sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors` """ try: return self._knn_tree except AttributeError: try: self._knn_tree = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=self.knn + 1, algorithm="ball_tree", metric=self.distance, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ).fit(self.data_nu) except ValueError: # invalid metric warnings.warn( "Metric {} not valid for `sklearn.neighbors.BallTree`. " "Graph instantiation may be slower than normal.".format( self.distance ), UserWarning, ) self._knn_tree = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=self.knn + 1, algorithm="auto", metric=self.distance, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ).fit(self.data_nu) return self._knn_tree
[docs] def build_kernel(self): """Build the KNN kernel. Build a k nearest neighbors kernel, optionally with alpha decay. Must return a symmetric matrix Returns ------- K : kernel matrix, shape=[n_samples, n_samples] symmetric matrix with ones down the diagonal with no non-negative entries. """ knn_max = self.knn_max + 1 if self.knn_max else None K = self.build_kernel_to_data(self.data_nu, knn=self.knn + 1, knn_max=knn_max) return K
def _check_duplicates(self, distances, indices): if np.any(distances[:, 1] == 0): has_duplicates = distances[:, 1] == 0 if np.sum(distances[:, 1:] == 0) < 20: idx = np.argwhere((distances == 0) & has_duplicates[:, None]) duplicate_ids = np.array( [ [indices[i[0], i[1]], i[0]] for i in idx if indices[i[0], i[1]] < i[0] ] ) duplicate_ids = duplicate_ids[np.argsort(duplicate_ids[:, 0])] duplicate_names = ", ".join( ["{} and {}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in duplicate_ids] ) warnings.warn( "Detected zero distance between samples {}. " "Consider removing duplicates to avoid errors in " "downstream processing.".format(duplicate_names), RuntimeWarning, ) else: warnings.warn( "Detected zero distance between {} pairs of samples. " "Consider removing duplicates to avoid errors in " "downstream processing.".format( np.sum(np.sum(distances[:, 1:] == 0)) // 2 ), RuntimeWarning, )
[docs] def build_kernel_to_data( self, Y, knn=None, knn_max=None, bandwidth=None, bandwidth_scale=None ): """Build a kernel from new input data `Y` to the `` Parameters ---------- Y: array-like, [n_samples_y, n_features] new data for which an affinity matrix is calculated to the existing data. `n_features` must match either the ambient or PCA dimensions knn : `int` or `None`, optional (default: `None`) If `None`, defaults to `self.knn` bandwidth : `float`, `callable`, or `None`, optional (default: `None`) If `None`, defaults to `self.bandwidth` bandwidth_scale : `float`, optional (default : `None`) Rescaling factor for bandwidth. If `None`, defaults to self.bandwidth_scale Returns ------- K_yx: array-like, [n_samples_y, n_samples] kernel matrix where each row represents affinities of a single sample in `Y` to all samples in ``. Raises ------ ValueError: if the supplied data is the wrong shape """ if knn is None: knn = self.knn if bandwidth is None: bandwidth = self.bandwidth if bandwidth_scale is None: bandwidth_scale = self.bandwidth_scale if knn >[0]: warnings.warn( "Cannot set knn ({k}) to be greater than " "n_samples ({n}). Setting knn={n}".format( k=knn, n=self.data_nu.shape[0] ) ) knn = self.data_nu.shape[0] if knn_max is None: knn_max = self.data_nu.shape[0] Y = self._check_extension_shape(Y) if self.decay is None or self.thresh == 1: with _logger.task("KNN search"): # binary connectivity matrix K = self.knn_tree.kneighbors_graph( Y, n_neighbors=knn, mode="connectivity" ) else: with _logger.task("KNN search"): # sparse fast alpha decay knn_tree = self.knn_tree search_knn = min(knn * self.search_multiplier, knn_max) distances, indices = knn_tree.kneighbors(Y, n_neighbors=search_knn) self._check_duplicates(distances, indices) with _logger.task("affinities"): if bandwidth is None: bandwidth = distances[:, knn - 1] bandwidth = bandwidth * bandwidth_scale # check for zero bandwidth bandwidth = np.maximum(bandwidth, np.finfo(float).eps) radius = bandwidth * np.power(-1 * np.log(self.thresh), 1 / self.decay) update_idx = np.argwhere(np.max(distances, axis=1) < radius).reshape(-1) _logger.debug( "search_knn = {}; {} remaining".format(search_knn, len(update_idx)) ) if len(update_idx) > 0: distances = [d for d in distances] indices = [i for i in indices] # increase the knn search search_knn = min(search_knn * self.search_multiplier, knn_max) while ( len(update_idx) > Y.shape[0] // 10 and search_knn < self.data_nu.shape[0] / 2 and search_knn < knn_max ): dist_new, ind_new = knn_tree.kneighbors( Y[update_idx], n_neighbors=search_knn ) for i, idx in enumerate(update_idx): distances[idx] = dist_new[i] indices[idx] = ind_new[i] update_idx = [ i for i, d in enumerate(distances) if np.max(d) < ( radius if isinstance(bandwidth, numbers.Number) else radius[i] ) ] _logger.debug( "search_knn = {}; {} remaining".format( search_knn, len(update_idx) ) ) # increase the knn search search_knn = min(search_knn * self.search_multiplier, knn_max) if search_knn > self.data_nu.shape[0] / 2: knn_tree = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=search_knn, algorithm="brute", n_jobs=self.n_jobs ).fit(self.data_nu) if len(update_idx) > 0: if search_knn == knn_max: _logger.debug( "knn search to knn_max ({}) on {}".format( knn_max, len(update_idx) ) ) # give up - search out to knn_max dist_new, ind_new = knn_tree.kneighbors( Y[update_idx], n_neighbors=search_knn ) for i, idx in enumerate(update_idx): distances[idx] = dist_new[i] indices[idx] = ind_new[i] else: _logger.debug("radius search on {}".format(len(update_idx))) # give up - radius search dist_new, ind_new = knn_tree.radius_neighbors( Y[update_idx, :], radius=radius if isinstance(bandwidth, numbers.Number) else np.max(radius[update_idx]), ) for i, idx in enumerate(update_idx): distances[idx] = dist_new[i] indices[idx] = ind_new[i] if isinstance(bandwidth, numbers.Number): data = np.concatenate(distances) / bandwidth else: data = np.concatenate( [distances[i] / bandwidth[i] for i in range(len(distances))] ) indices = np.concatenate(indices) indptr = np.concatenate([[0], np.cumsum([len(d) for d in distances])]) K = sparse.csr_matrix( (data, indices, indptr), shape=(Y.shape[0], self.data_nu.shape[0]) ) = np.exp(-1 * np.power(, self.decay)) # handle nan = np.where(np.isnan(, 1, # TODO: should we zero values that are below thresh?[ < self.thresh] = 0 K = K.tocoo() K.eliminate_zeros() K = K.tocsr() return K
[docs]class LandmarkGraph(DataGraph): """Landmark graph Adds landmarking feature to any data graph by taking spectral clusters and building a 'landmark operator' from clusters to samples and back to clusters. Any transformation on the landmark kernel is trivially extended to the data space by multiplying by the transition matrix. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples,n_features] accepted types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`., `pandas.DataFrame`, `pandas.SparseDataFrame`. n_landmark : `int`, optional (default: 2000) number of landmarks to use n_svd : `int`, optional (default: 100) number of SVD components to use for spectral clustering Attributes ---------- landmark_op : array-like, shape=[n_landmark, n_landmark] Landmark operator. Can be treated as a diffusion operator between landmarks. transitions : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_landmark] Transition probabilities between samples and landmarks. clusters : array-like, shape=[n_samples] Private attribute. Cluster assignments for each sample. Examples -------- >>> G = graphtools.Graph(data, n_landmark=1000) >>> X_landmark = transform(G.landmark_op) >>> X_full = G.interpolate(X_landmark) """ def __init__(self, data, n_landmark=2000, n_svd=100, **kwargs): """Initialize a landmark graph. Raises ------ RuntimeWarning : if too many SVD dimensions or too few landmarks are used """ if n_landmark >= data.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "n_landmark ({}) >= n_samples ({}). Use " "kNNGraph instead".format(n_landmark, data.shape[0]) ) if n_svd >= data.shape[0]: warnings.warn( "n_svd ({}) >= n_samples ({}) Consider " "using kNNGraph or lower n_svd".format(n_svd, data.shape[0]), RuntimeWarning, ) self.n_landmark = n_landmark self.n_svd = n_svd super().__init__(data, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get parameters from this object """ params = super().get_params() params.update({"n_landmark": self.n_landmark, "n_pca": self.n_pca}) return params
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set parameters on this object Safe setter method - attributes should not be modified directly as some changes are not valid. Valid parameters: - n_landmark - n_svd Parameters ---------- params : key-value pairs of parameter name and new values Returns ------- self """ # update parameters reset_landmarks = False if "n_landmark" in params and params["n_landmark"] != self.n_landmark: self.n_landmark = params["n_landmark"] reset_landmarks = True if "n_svd" in params and params["n_svd"] != self.n_svd: self.n_svd = params["n_svd"] reset_landmarks = True # update superclass parameters super().set_params(**params) # reset things that changed if reset_landmarks: self._reset_landmarks() return self
def _reset_landmarks(self): """Reset landmark data Landmarks can be recomputed without recomputing the kernel """ try: del self._landmark_op del self._transitions del self._clusters except AttributeError: # landmarks aren't currently defined pass @property def landmark_op(self): """Landmark operator Compute or return the landmark operator Returns ------- landmark_op : array-like, shape=[n_landmark, n_landmark] Landmark operator. Can be treated as a diffusion operator between landmarks. """ try: return self._landmark_op except AttributeError: self.build_landmark_op() return self._landmark_op @property def clusters(self): """Cluster assignments for each sample. Compute or return the cluster assignments Returns ------- clusters : list-like, shape=[n_samples] Cluster assignments for each sample. """ try: return self._clusters except AttributeError: self.build_landmark_op() return self._clusters @property def transitions(self): """Transition matrix from samples to landmarks Compute the landmark operator if necessary, then return the transition matrix. Returns ------- transitions : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_landmark] Transition probabilities between samples and landmarks. """ try: return self._transitions except AttributeError: self.build_landmark_op() return self._transitions def _landmarks_to_data(self): landmarks = np.unique(self.clusters) if sparse.issparse(self.kernel): pmn = sparse.vstack( [ sparse.csr_matrix(self.kernel[self.clusters == i, :].sum(axis=0)) for i in landmarks ] ) else: pmn = np.array( [np.sum(self.kernel[self.clusters == i, :], axis=0) for i in landmarks] ) return pmn def _data_transitions(self): return normalize(self._landmarks_to_data(), "l1", axis=1)
[docs] def build_landmark_op(self): """Build the landmark operator Calculates spectral clusters on the kernel, and calculates transition probabilities between cluster centers by using transition probabilities between samples assigned to each cluster. """ with _logger.task("landmark operator"): is_sparse = sparse.issparse(self.kernel) # spectral clustering with _logger.task("SVD"): _, _, VT = randomized_svd( self.diff_aff, n_components=self.n_svd, random_state=self.random_state, ) with _logger.task("KMeans"): kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans( self.n_landmark, init_size=3 * self.n_landmark, batch_size=10000, random_state=self.random_state, ) self._clusters = kmeans.fit_predict( # transition matrices pmn = self._landmarks_to_data() # row normalize pnm = pmn.transpose() pmn = normalize(pmn, norm="l1", axis=1) pnm = normalize(pnm, norm="l1", axis=1) landmark_op = # sparsity agnostic matrix multiplication if is_sparse: # no need to have a sparse landmark operator landmark_op = landmark_op.toarray() # store output self._landmark_op = landmark_op self._transitions = pnm
[docs] def extend_to_data(self, data, **kwargs): """Build transition matrix from new data to the graph Creates a transition matrix such that `Y` can be approximated by a linear combination of landmarks. Any transformation of the landmarks can be trivially applied to `Y` by performing `transform_Y =` Parameters ---------- Y: array-like, [n_samples_y, n_features] new data for which an affinity matrix is calculated to the existing data. `n_features` must match either the ambient or PCA dimensions Returns ------- transitions : array-like, [n_samples_y,[0]] Transition matrix from `Y` to `` """ kernel = self.build_kernel_to_data(data, **kwargs) if sparse.issparse(kernel): pnm = sparse.hstack( [ sparse.csr_matrix(kernel[:, self.clusters == i].sum(axis=1)) for i in np.unique(self.clusters) ] ) else: pnm = np.array( [ np.sum(kernel[:, self.clusters == i], axis=1).T for i in np.unique(self.clusters) ] ).transpose() pnm = normalize(pnm, norm="l1", axis=1) return pnm
[docs] def interpolate(self, transform, transitions=None, Y=None): """Interpolate new data onto a transformation of the graph data One of either transitions or Y should be provided Parameters ---------- transform : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_transform_features] transitions : array-like, optional, shape=[n_samples_y, n_samples] Transition matrix from `Y` (not provided) to `` Y: array-like, optional, shape=[n_samples_y, n_features] new data for which an affinity matrix is calculated to the existing data. `n_features` must match either the ambient or PCA dimensions Returns ------- Y_transform : array-like, [n_samples_y, n_features or n_pca] Transition matrix from `Y` to `` """ if transitions is None and Y is None: # assume Y is and use standard landmark transitions transitions = self.transitions return super().interpolate(transform, transitions=transitions, Y=Y)
[docs]class TraditionalGraph(DataGraph): """Traditional weighted adjacency graph Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples,n_features] accepted types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pandas.DataFrame`, `pandas.SparseDataFrame`. If `precomputed` is not `None`, data should be an [n_samples, n_samples] matrix denoting pairwise distances, affinities, or edge weights. knn : `int`, optional (default: 5) Number of nearest neighbors (including self) to use to build the graph decay : `int` or `None`, optional (default: 40) Rate of alpha decay to use. If `None`, alpha decay is not used. bandwidth : `float`, list-like,`callable`, or `None`, optional (default: `None`) Fixed bandwidth to use. If given, overrides `knn`. Can be a single bandwidth, list-like (shape=[n_samples]) of bandwidths for each sample, or a `callable` that takes in a `n x m` matrix and returns a a single value or list-like of length n (shape=[n_samples]) bandwidth_scale : `float`, optional (default : 1.0) Rescaling factor for bandwidth. distance : `str`, optional (default: `'euclidean'`) Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used distance metric for building kNN graph. TODO: actually sklearn.neighbors has even more choices n_pca : {`int`, `None`, `bool`, 'auto'}, optional (default: `None`) number of PC dimensions to retain for graph building. If n_pca in `[None,False,0]`, uses the original data. If `True` then estimate using a singular value threshold Note: if data is sparse, uses SVD instead of PCA TODO: should we subtract and store the mean? rank_threshold : `float`, 'auto', optional (default: 'auto') threshold to use when estimating rank for `n_pca in [True, 'auto']`. Note that the default kwarg is `None` for this parameter. It is subsequently parsed to 'auto' if necessary. If 'auto', this threshold is smax * np.finfo(data.dtype).eps * max(data.shape) where smax is the maximum singular value of the data matrix. For reference, see, e.g. W. Press, S. Teukolsky, W. Vetterling and B. Flannery, “Numerical Recipes (3rd edition)”, Cambridge University Press, 2007, page 795. thresh : `float`, optional (default: `1e-4`) Threshold above which to calculate alpha decay kernel. All affinities below `thresh` will be set to zero in order to save on time and memory constraints. precomputed : {'distance', 'affinity', 'adjacency', `None`}, optional (default: `None`) If the graph is precomputed, this variable denotes which graph matrix is provided as `data`. Only one of `precomputed` and `n_pca` can be set. """ def __init__( self, data, knn=5, decay=40, bandwidth=None, bandwidth_scale=1.0, distance="euclidean", n_pca=None, thresh=1e-4, precomputed=None, **kwargs ): if decay is None and precomputed not in ["affinity", "adjacency"]: # decay high enough is basically a binary kernel raise ValueError( "`decay` must be provided for a " "TraditionalGraph. For kNN kernel, use kNNGraph." ) if precomputed is not None and n_pca not in [None, 0, False]: # the data itself is a matrix of distances / affinities n_pca = None warnings.warn( "n_pca cannot be given on a precomputed graph." " Setting n_pca=None", RuntimeWarning, ) if knn is None and bandwidth is None: raise ValueError("Either `knn` or `bandwidth` must be provided.") if knn is not None and knn > data.shape[0] - 2: warnings.warn( "Cannot set knn ({k}) to be greater than " " n_samples - 2 ({n}). Setting knn={n}".format( k=knn, n=data.shape[0] - 2 ) ) knn = data.shape[0] - 2 if precomputed is not None: if precomputed not in ["distance", "affinity", "adjacency"]: raise ValueError( "Precomputed value {} not recognized. " "Choose from ['distance', 'affinity', " "'adjacency']".format(precomputed) ) elif data.shape[0] != data.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Precomputed {} must be a square matrix. " "{} was given".format(precomputed, data.shape) ) elif (data < 0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError( "Precomputed {} should be " "non-negative".format(precomputed) ) self.knn = knn self.decay = decay self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.bandwidth_scale = bandwidth_scale self.distance = distance self.thresh = thresh self.precomputed = precomputed super().__init__(data, n_pca=n_pca, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get parameters from this object """ params = super().get_params() params.update( { "knn": self.knn, "decay": self.decay, "bandwidth": self.bandwidth, "bandwidth_scale": self.bandwidth_scale, "distance": self.distance, "precomputed": self.precomputed, } ) return params
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set parameters on this object Safe setter method - attributes should not be modified directly as some changes are not valid. Invalid parameters: (these would require modifying the kernel matrix) - precomputed - distance - knn - decay - bandwidth - bandwidth_scale Parameters ---------- params : key-value pairs of parameter name and new values Returns ------- self """ if "precomputed" in params and params["precomputed"] != self.precomputed: raise ValueError("Cannot update precomputed. " "Please create a new graph") if ( "distance" in params and params["distance"] != self.distance and self.precomputed is None ): raise ValueError("Cannot update distance. " "Please create a new graph") if "knn" in params and params["knn"] != self.knn and self.precomputed is None: raise ValueError("Cannot update knn. Please create a new graph") if ( "decay" in params and params["decay"] != self.decay and self.precomputed is None ): raise ValueError("Cannot update decay. Please create a new graph") if ( "bandwidth" in params and params["bandwidth"] != self.bandwidth and self.precomputed is None ): raise ValueError("Cannot update bandwidth. Please create a new graph") if ( "bandwidth_scale" in params and params["bandwidth_scale"] != self.bandwidth_scale ): raise ValueError("Cannot update bandwidth_scale. Please create a new graph") # update superclass parameters super().set_params(**params) return self
[docs] def build_kernel(self): """Build the KNN kernel. Build a k nearest neighbors kernel, optionally with alpha decay. If `precomputed` is not `None`, the appropriate steps in the kernel building process are skipped. Must return a symmetric matrix Returns ------- K : kernel matrix, shape=[n_samples, n_samples] symmetric matrix with ones down the diagonal with no non-negative entries. Raises ------ ValueError: if `precomputed` is not an acceptable value """ if self.precomputed == "affinity": # already done # TODO: should we check that precomputed matrices look okay? # e.g. check the diagonal K = self.data_nu elif self.precomputed == "adjacency": # need to set diagonal to one to make it an affinity matrix K = self.data_nu if sparse.issparse(K) and not ( isinstance(K, sparse.dok_matrix) or isinstance(K, sparse.lil_matrix) ): K = K.tolil() K = matrix.set_diagonal(K, 1) else: with _logger.task("affinities"): if sparse.issparse(self.data_nu): self.data_nu = self.data_nu.toarray() if self.precomputed == "distance": pdx = self.data_nu elif self.precomputed is None: pdx = pdist(self.data_nu, metric=self.distance) if np.any(pdx == 0): pdx = squareform(pdx) duplicate_ids = np.array( [i for i in np.argwhere(pdx == 0) if i[1] > i[0]] ) if len(duplicate_ids) < 20: duplicate_names = ", ".join( ["{} and {}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in duplicate_ids] ) warnings.warn( "Detected zero distance between samples {}. " "Consider removing duplicates to avoid errors in " "downstream processing.".format(duplicate_names), RuntimeWarning, ) else: warnings.warn( "Detected zero distance between {} pairs of samples. " "Consider removing duplicates to avoid errors in " "downstream processing.".format(len(duplicate_ids)), RuntimeWarning, ) else: pdx = squareform(pdx) else: raise ValueError( "precomputed='{}' not recognized. " "Choose from ['affinity', 'adjacency', 'distance', " "None]".format(self.precomputed) ) if self.bandwidth is None: knn_dist = np.partition(pdx, self.knn + 1, axis=1)[ :, : self.knn + 1 ] bandwidth = np.max(knn_dist, axis=1) elif callable(self.bandwidth): bandwidth = self.bandwidth(pdx) else: bandwidth = self.bandwidth bandwidth = bandwidth * self.bandwidth_scale pdx = (pdx.T / bandwidth).T K = np.exp(-1 * np.power(pdx, self.decay)) # handle nan K = np.where(np.isnan(K), 1, K) # truncate if sparse.issparse(K): if not ( isinstance(K, sparse.csr_matrix) or isinstance(K, sparse.csc_matrix) or isinstance(K, sparse.bsr_matrix) ): K = K.tocsr()[ < self.thresh] = 0 K = K.tocoo() K.eliminate_zeros() K = K.tocsr() else: K[K < self.thresh] = 0 return K
[docs] def build_kernel_to_data(self, Y, knn=None, bandwidth=None, bandwidth_scale=None): """Build transition matrix from new data to the graph Creates a transition matrix such that `Y` can be approximated by a linear combination of landmarks. Any transformation of the landmarks can be trivially applied to `Y` by performing `transform_Y =` Parameters ---------- Y: array-like, [n_samples_y, n_features] new data for which an affinity matrix is calculated to the existing data. `n_features` must match either the ambient or PCA dimensions Returns ------- transitions : array-like, [n_samples_y,[0]] Transition matrix from `Y` to `` Raises ------ ValueError: if `precomputed` is not `None`, then the graph cannot be extended. """ if knn is None: knn = self.knn if bandwidth is None: bandwidth = self.bandwidth if bandwidth_scale is None: bandwidth_scale = self.bandwidth_scale if self.precomputed is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot extend kernel on precomputed graph") else: with _logger.task("affinities"): Y = self._check_extension_shape(Y) pdx = cdist(Y, self.data_nu, metric=self.distance) if bandwidth is None: knn_dist = np.partition(pdx, knn, axis=1)[:, :knn] bandwidth = np.max(knn_dist, axis=1) elif callable(bandwidth): bandwidth = bandwidth(pdx) bandwidth = bandwidth_scale * bandwidth pdx = (pdx.T / bandwidth).T K = np.exp(-1 * pdx ** self.decay) # handle nan K = np.where(np.isnan(K), 1, K) K[K < self.thresh] = 0 return K
@property def weighted(self): if self.precomputed is not None: return not matrix.nonzero_discrete(self.K, [0.5, 1]) else: return super().weighted def _check_shortest_path_distance(self, distance): if self.precomputed is not None: if distance == "data": raise ValueError( "Graph shortest path with data distance not " "valid for precomputed graphs. For precomputed graphs, " "use `distance='constant'` for unweighted graphs and " "`distance='affinity'` for weighted graphs." ) super()._check_shortest_path_distance(distance) def _default_shortest_path_distance(self): if self.precomputed is not None and not self.weighted: distance = "constant""Using constant distances.") else: distance = super()._default_shortest_path_distance() return distance
[docs]class MNNGraph(DataGraph): """Mutual nearest neighbors graph Performs batch correction by forcing connections between batches, but only when the connection is mutual (i.e. x is a neighbor of y _and_ y is a neighbor of x). Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples,n_features] accepted types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pandas.DataFrame`, `pandas.SparseDataFrame`. sample_idx : array-like, shape=[n_samples] Batch index beta : `float`, optional (default: 1) Downweight between-batch affinities by beta adaptive_k : {'min', 'mean', 'sqrt', `None`} (default: None) Weights MNN kernel adaptively using the number of cells in each sample according to the selected method. Attributes ---------- subgraphs : list of `graphtools.graphs.kNNGraph` Graphs representing each batch separately """ def __init__( self, data, sample_idx, knn=5, beta=1, n_pca=None, decay=None, adaptive_k=None, bandwidth=None, distance="euclidean", thresh=1e-4, n_jobs=1, **kwargs ): self.beta = beta self.sample_idx = sample_idx self.samples, self.n_cells = np.unique(self.sample_idx, return_counts=True) self.knn = knn self.decay = decay self.distance = distance self.bandwidth = bandwidth self.thresh = thresh self.n_jobs = n_jobs if sample_idx is None: raise ValueError( "sample_idx must be given. For a graph without" " batch correction, use kNNGraph." ) elif len(sample_idx) != data.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "sample_idx ({}) must be the same length as " "data ({})".format(len(sample_idx), data.shape[0]) ) elif len(self.samples) == 1: raise ValueError("sample_idx must contain more than one unique value") if adaptive_k is not None: warnings.warn( "`adaptive_k` has been deprecated. Using fixed knn.", DeprecationWarning ) super().__init__(data, n_pca=n_pca, **kwargs) def _check_symmetrization(self, kernel_symm, theta): if ( (kernel_symm == "theta" or kernel_symm == "mnn") and theta is not None and not isinstance(theta, numbers.Number) ): raise TypeError( "Expected `theta` as a float. " "Got {}.".format(type(theta)) ) else: super()._check_symmetrization(kernel_symm, theta)
[docs] def get_params(self): """Get parameters from this object """ params = super().get_params() params.update( { "beta": self.beta, "knn": self.knn, "decay": self.decay, "bandwidth": self.bandwidth, "distance": self.distance, "thresh": self.thresh, "n_jobs": self.n_jobs, } ) return params
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set parameters on this object Safe setter method - attributes should not be modified directly as some changes are not valid. Valid parameters: - n_jobs - random_state - verbose Invalid parameters: (these would require modifying the kernel matrix) - knn - adaptive_k - decay - distance - thresh - beta Parameters ---------- params : key-value pairs of parameter name and new values Returns ------- self """ # mnn specific arguments if "beta" in params and params["beta"] != self.beta: raise ValueError("Cannot update beta. Please create a new graph") # knn arguments knn_kernel_args = ["knn", "decay", "distance", "thresh", "bandwidth"] knn_other_args = ["n_jobs", "random_state", "verbose"] for arg in knn_kernel_args: if arg in params and params[arg] != getattr(self, arg): raise ValueError( "Cannot update {}. " "Please create a new graph".format(arg) ) for arg in knn_other_args: if arg in params: self.__setattr__(arg, params[arg]) for g in self.subgraphs: g.set_params(**{arg: params[arg]}) # update superclass parameters super().set_params(**params) return self
[docs] def build_kernel(self): """Build the MNN kernel. Build a mutual nearest neighbors kernel. Returns ------- K : kernel matrix, shape=[n_samples, n_samples] symmetric matrix with ones down the diagonal with no non-negative entries. """ with _logger.task("subgraphs"): self.subgraphs = [] from .api import Graph # iterate through sample ids for i, idx in enumerate(self.samples): _logger.debug( "subgraph {}: sample {}, " "n = {}, knn = {}".format( i, idx, np.sum(self.sample_idx == idx), self.knn ) ) # select data for sample data = self.data_nu[self.sample_idx == idx] # build a kNN graph for cells within sample graph = Graph( data, n_pca=None, knn=self.knn, decay=self.decay, bandwidth=self.bandwidth, distance=self.distance, thresh=self.thresh, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=self.random_state, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, kernel_symm="+", initialize=True, ) self.subgraphs.append(graph) # append to list of subgraphs with _logger.task("MNN kernel"): if self.thresh > 0 or self.decay is None: K = sparse.lil_matrix((self.data_nu.shape[0], self.data_nu.shape[0])) else: K = np.zeros([self.data_nu.shape[0], self.data_nu.shape[0]]) for i, X in enumerate(self.subgraphs): K = matrix.set_submatrix( K, self.sample_idx == self.samples[i], self.sample_idx == self.samples[i], X.K, ) within_batch_norm = np.array(np.sum(X.K, 1)).flatten() for j, Y in enumerate(self.subgraphs): if i == j: continue with _logger.task( "kernel from sample {} to {}".format( self.samples[i], self.samples[j] ) ): Kij = Y.build_kernel_to_data(X.data_nu, knn=self.knn) between_batch_norm = np.array(np.sum(Kij, 1)).flatten() scale = ( np.minimum(1, within_batch_norm / between_batch_norm) * self.beta ) if sparse.issparse(Kij): Kij = Kij.multiply(scale[:, None]) else: Kij = Kij * scale[:, None] K = matrix.set_submatrix( K, self.sample_idx == self.samples[i], self.sample_idx == self.samples[j], Kij, ) return K
[docs] def build_kernel_to_data(self, Y, theta=None): """Build transition matrix from new data to the graph Creates a transition matrix such that `Y` can be approximated by a linear combination of landmarks. Any transformation of the landmarks can be trivially applied to `Y` by performing `transform_Y =` Parameters ---------- Y : array-like, [n_samples_y, n_features] new data for which an affinity matrix is calculated to the existing data. `n_features` must match either the ambient or PCA dimensions theta : array-like or `None`, optional (default: `None`) if `self.theta` is a matrix, theta values must be explicitly specified between `Y` and each sample in `` Returns ------- transitions : array-like, [n_samples_y,[0]] Transition matrix from `Y` to `` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class kNNLandmarkGraph(kNNGraph, LandmarkGraph): pass
[docs]class MNNLandmarkGraph(MNNGraph, LandmarkGraph): pass
[docs]class TraditionalLandmarkGraph(TraditionalGraph, LandmarkGraph): pass
[docs]class kNNPyGSPGraph(kNNGraph, PyGSPGraph): pass
[docs]class MNNPyGSPGraph(MNNGraph, PyGSPGraph): pass
[docs]class TraditionalPyGSPGraph(TraditionalGraph, PyGSPGraph): pass
[docs]class kNNLandmarkPyGSPGraph(kNNGraph, LandmarkGraph, PyGSPGraph): pass
[docs]class MNNLandmarkPyGSPGraph(MNNGraph, LandmarkGraph, PyGSPGraph): pass
[docs]class TraditionalLandmarkPyGSPGraph(TraditionalGraph, LandmarkGraph, PyGSPGraph): pass